How to Master the Three C's of Discovery Calls


Discovery calls are the biggest sales tools you have between inquiry and booking. But you and I both know that your time is precious, it’s valuable and we can’t give it away freely. Before you hop on a you want to have a good sense that leads are ready to invest in you (this is where sending questionnaires and having strong brand messaging comes into play).

And while budgets, stage of your business and markets all play a role in when you schedule the discovery call, I can tell you this: a call is 100% necessary no matter what. Calls can make or break your sales process....having a discovery call matters.

At Mae&Co Monthly, we’re breaking down the three C’s of discovery calls to help our members understand how to confidently sell services in a way that is authentic and intentional to you and your brand.

Mastering these three C’s of discovery calls will help you navigate these essential calls with ease: 

No matter what market you’re trying to attract, you have to create a real connection. Chemistry speaks volumes, especially in our industry. Because we’re planning an emotional day for clients, connection matters. In all honesty, 20% of your discovery call should be focused on creating a real connection.

Once you feel a connection to your lead, not only will they be more excited to hear all about your business and processes, but YOU will feel more at ease explaining the essential information. This is where the info happens, and all their questions get answered. This is the good stuff, you should be concentrating 50% of your call on communication.

Confidence is what’s going to sell your services more than anything. If you can’t deliver with confidence, it will drop your conversion rate by half. It sounds dramatic, but this is the one time I'll say sometimes you have to fake it until you make it. Imposter syndrome is real, but so is your knowledge, your lived experiences and your ability to execute jobs with ease. 

Here's the bottom line: discovery calls are the best way to find out if a client is really the right fit, or to seal the deal and make sure a lead is 100% sold on needing to hire you. Navigating and nailing these calls is essential for your growth and your business.

To get tangible tools and learn more about how to confidently lead and execute discovery calls, check out our Mae&Co Monthly courses on Discovery Calls


Watch the full course and over 100 more in the Mae&Co Monthly library. 
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