
How to Skip Trends and Find Your Brand


One of the biggest questions I get on live calls is how to handle the ever-changing trends in the wedding industry. And while I love bows and editorial images as much as the next person, here’s why you won’t see me sharing those trends on social media:

I believe that to stand out in a sea of competitors, and to truly become a "no-brainer" choice in the eyes of your ideal client, you​ need to skip the trends and stay consistent to what inspires you.

Your branding should go deeper than “what’s cool" – it should speak to YOUR soul. Everything you post or feature on your website should tie back to your style, your beliefs and your needs. And when you stay consistent in everything you say and show, you are creating confidence in your brand that will be undeniable for your ideal clients.

But I know it’s easier said than done to stop getting distracted by trends. Especially when they feel like a quick way to get clicks and attraction. So how do you create confidence, stay consistent and skip the trends? I lean into these mantras and affirmations.

Every time you go to share content, ask yourself:

  • If I post this Instagram caption/blog title/homepage description, will my dream client read it and want to hire me? Ex: if you're a fine art photographer, do these words tie back to your tagline of being a romantic, fine art photographer, or are you just using buzz words?
  • If I share this photo on my Instagram, will it connect to my ideal client – will they see this and instantly feel attracted to me? Ex: if you're a high-end planner who wants to book more estate weddings, does the photo capture that vibe, or is it sending mixed signals to connect with another audience?
  • Does this post/content show something I love – and is it telling a story about why I love it? Ex: if you’re a garden-inspired florist inspired by vibrant colors and designs, don’t hop on the black and white photo trend, stay focused on the images that will better highlight the texture and complexity of your work.

Asking yourself these questions, leaning into these mantra will help you stop getting distracted by trends and instill confidence in your brand. When someone goes to your Instagram or your website, you want them to see cohesion. You want them to see you’re confident in a specific style.

So don’t worry about trends. That's why we've made an entire course for our Mae&Co Monthly members that walks through how to forget about trends and build consistency across your brand, making your client pull and attraction undeniable.

We're unpacking all of this and more in our latest courses on No-Brainer Branding - and if you join in March (our birthday month!) you'll get access to a free Q&A live call with me, Manda, to ask me anything about skipping trends and finding consistency in your brand.

Watch the full course and over 100 more in the Mae&Co Monthly library. 
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