
How to Stop Losing Leads


Whether you've been in the wedding industry for a year or a decade, everyone struggles with the fear of not booking leads. It's frustrating to feel ghosted, or to have someone go silent after you send over pricing, but I'm here to tell you there's a way to get unstuck and start booking your ideal clients. 

If you are not booking as many jobs as you want or need, here's something I figured out the hard way: there is a process that you can follow backwards to figure out where you are losing leads and what you need to change. By reverse engineering the booking process - working from the finish line when someone books you back to the beginning when someone first comes across your business - you can stop losing out on ideal clients and fix the problem moving forward.

Here are the three fundamental phases of lead conversion: 

Phase 1: Awareness
This is the moment someone finds you and becomes aware of your brand. This phase is closely tied to your marketing and branding strategies: how are people finding you and how are they becoming aware of your brand and what you offer?

Phase 2: Consideration
This phase happens in the middle of your booking process when someone is weighing whether or not to inquire about your services. This phase is inextricably linked to website clarity and your inquiry/intake process.

Phase 3: Investment
This phase happens when you send over your pricing and a person is ready to book you. This is all about the discovery calls and the pricing proposal - here is where you need to make sure your client understands your value before seeing a price tag.

Here's the bottom line: It's not about how we get our leads, it's why we lose our leads. 

By working backwards and making adjustments to what happens during your investment phase, you're going to start to move the needle on getting ghosted. For a deep dive on how to reverse-engineer your booking process, check out our April 2023 Mae&Co Monthly courses focused on how to stop losing leads. Trust us, this will change everything. 

Watch the full course and over 100 more in the Mae&Co Monthly library. 
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