
How to Connect with Your Target Audience


Here’s the thing, when you are trying to book more dream jobs and connect to your ideal clients, the conversation starts long before someone responds to your inquiry form. Everything from the photos on your website to the copy on your Instagram posts should engage potential clients, showing them that you’re the number one vendor they need to have to have at their wedding.

In short, your branding plays a huge role in connecting you to your target audience. And creating a no-brainer brand – a brand that speaks so directly to your ideal client that it’s a no-brainer for them to book you – is the best way to get in front of your target audience.

But how do you create a no-brainer brand? For me, that means tailoring my brand to my target audience by:

  • Connecting with their story
  • Speaking to their pain points
  • Showing them exactly what they want  

More than anything, I can’t understate the value of addressing your target audience’s pain points. Think about the common stressor for your ideal clients: do they crave professionalism? Do they want to know logistics are handled so they can enjoy their wedding day? Do they want luxury photos at an affordable price? Do they want unique, fine art designs? Do they need an expert in managing family dynamics?

Whatever this common thread may be, make sure you’re addressing it on your website, on your social media, showing your target audience that YOU are the answer to alleviating their biggest concern for their most important day.

Ultimately, this is only one part of creating a no-brainer brand that connects with your target audience. That's why we've made an entire course for our Mae&Co Monthly members that walks through how to connect to their stories, address their pain points and help them envision their dreams as reality.

We're unpacking all of this and more in our latest courses on No-Brainer Branding - and if you join in March (our birthday month!) you'll get access to a free Q&A live call with me, Manda, to ask me anything about connecting with your target audience. So what are you waiting for? 

Watch the full course and over 100 more in the Mae&Co Monthly library. 
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